Source code for octis.optimization.optimizer

# Utils
import json
import time
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

# utils from skopt and sklearn
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import *
from import *

from octis.dataset.dataset import Dataset
# utils from other files of the framework
from octis.models.model import save_model_output
from octis.optimization.optimizer_evaluation import OptimizerEvaluation
from octis.optimization.optimizer_tool import (
    choose_optimizer, early_condition, load_model, select_metric)
from octis.optimization.optimizer_tool import (
    load_search_space, plot_bayesian_optimization, plot_model_runs)

[docs]class Optimizer: """ Class Optimizer to perform Bayesian Optimization on Topic Model """
[docs] def optimize( self, model, dataset, metric, search_space, extra_metrics=None, number_of_call=5, n_random_starts=1, initial_point_generator="lhs", # work only for version skopt 8.0!!! optimization_type='Maximize', model_runs=5, surrogate_model="RF", kernel=1.0 * Matern( length_scale=1.0, length_scale_bounds=(1e-1, 10.0), nu=1.5), acq_func="LCB", random_state=False, x0=None, y0=None, save_models=True, save_step=1, save_name="result", save_path="results/", early_stop=False, early_step=5, plot_best_seen=False, plot_model=False, plot_name="B0_plot", log_scale_plot=False, topk=10): """ Perform hyper-parameter optimization for a Topic Model :param model: model with hyperparameters to optimize :type model: OCTIS Topic Model :param dataset: dataset for the model dataset :type dataset: OCTIS dataset :param metric: metric used for the optimization :type metric: OCTIS metric :param search_space: a dictionary of hyperparameters to optimize (each parameter is defined as a skopt space) :type search_space: skopt space object :param extra_metrics: list of extra-metrics to compute during the optimization :type extra_metrics: list of metrics, optional :param number_of_call: number of evaluations of metric :type number_of_call: int, optional :param n_random_starts: number of evaluations of metric with random points before approximating it with surrogate model :type n_random_starts: int, optional :param initial_point_generator: set an initial point generator. Can be either "random", "sobol", "halton" ,"hammersly","lhs" :type initial_point_generator: str, optional :param optimization_type: Set "Maximize" if you want to maximize metric, "Minimize" if you want to minimize :type optimization type: str, optional :param model_runs: :type: int, optional :param surrogate_model: set a surrogate model. Can be either "GP" (Gaussian Process), "RF" (Random Forest) or "ET" (Extra-Tree) :type: str, optional :param kernel: set a kernel function :param acq_func: Function to minimize over the surrogate model. Can be either: "LCB" (Lower Confidence Bound), "EI" (Expected improvement) OR "PI" (Probability of Improvement) :type: str, optional :param random_state: Set random state to something other than None for reproducible results. :type: int, optional :param x0: List of initial input points. :type: list, optional :param y0: Evaluation of initial input points. :type: list, optional :param save_models: if 'True' save all the topic models generated during the optimization process :type: bool, optional :param save_step: decide how much to save the results of the optimization :type: int, optional :param save_name: name of the file where the results of the optimization will be saved :type: str, optional :param save_path: Path where the results of the optimization (json file ) will be saved :type save_path: str, optional :param early_stop: if "True" stop the optimization if there is no improvement after early_step evaluations :type early_stop: bool, optional :param early_step: number of iterations with no improvement after which optimization will be stopped (if early_stop is True) :type early_step: int, optional :param plot_best_seen: If "True" save a convergence plot of the result of a Bayesian_optimization (i.e. the best seen for each iteration) :type plot_best_seen: bool, optional :param plot_model: If "True" save the boxplot of all the model runs :type plot_model: bool, optional :param plot_name: Set the name of the plots (best_seen and model_runs). :type plot_name: str, optional :param log_scale_plot: if "True" use the logarithmic scale for the plots. :type log_scale_plot: bool, optional :param topk: :type topk: int, optional :return: OptimizerEvaluation object :rtype: class """ # Set the attributes if extra_metrics is None: extra_metrics = [] if y0 is None: y0 = [] if x0 is None: x0 = dict() self.model = model self.dataset = dataset self.metric = metric self.search_space = search_space self.extra_metrics = extra_metrics self.optimization_type = optimization_type self.number_of_call = number_of_call self.n_random_starts = n_random_starts self.initial_point_generator = initial_point_generator self.model_runs = model_runs self.surrogate_model = surrogate_model self.kernel = kernel self.acq_func = acq_func self.random_state = random_state self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.save_path = save_path self.save_step = save_step self.save_name = save_name self.save_models = save_models self.early_stop = early_stop self.early_step = early_step self.plot_model = plot_model self.plot_best_seen = plot_best_seen self.plot_name = plot_name self.log_scale_plot = log_scale_plot self.topk = topk self.hyperparameters = list(sorted(self.search_space.keys())) self.dict_model_runs = dict() self.number_of_previous_calls = 0 self.current_call = 0 self.time_eval = [] self.name_optimized_metric = metric.__class__.__name__ self.dict_model_runs[self.name_optimized_metric] = dict() # Info about extra metrics i = 0 self.extra_metric_names = [] for extra_metric in extra_metrics: self.extra_metric_names.append( str(i) + '_' + extra_metric.__class__.__name__) self.dict_model_runs[self.extra_metric_names[i]] = dict() i = i + 1 # Control about the correctness of BO parameters if self._check_bo_parameters() == -1: print("ERROR: wrong initialitation of BO parameters") return None # Create the directory where the results are saved Path(self.save_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Initialize the directories about model_runs if self.save_models: self.model_path_models = self.save_path + "models/" Path(self.model_path_models).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Choice of the optimizer opt = choose_optimizer(self) # Perform Bayesian Optimization results = self._optimization_loop(opt) return results
[docs] def resume_optimization(self, name_path, extra_evaluations=0): """ Restart the optimization from the json file. :param name_path: path of the json file :type name_path: str :param extra_evaluations: extra iterations for the BO optimization :type extra_evaluations: int :return: object with the results of the optimization :rtype: object """ # Restore of the parameters res, opt = self._restore_parameters(name_path) # Set the number of total calls self.number_of_call = self.number_of_call + extra_evaluations # Check if there are other iterations to do if self.number_of_previous_calls == self.number_of_call: return OptimizerEvaluation(self, BO_results=res) # Control about the correctness of BO parameters if self._check_bo_parameters() == -1: print("ERROR: wrong initialization of BO parameters") return None results = self._optimization_loop(opt) return results
def _objective_function(self, hyperparameter_values): """ Evaluate the objective function :param hyperparameter_values: hyper-parameters of the Topic Model :type hyperparameter_values: list :return: value of the objective function :rtype: float """ # Retrieve parameters labels params = {} for i in range(len(self.hyperparameters)): params[self.hyperparameters[i]] = hyperparameter_values[i] # Compute the score of the hyper-parameter configuration different_model_runs = [] different_model_runs_extra_metrics = [[] for i in range(len( self.extra_metrics))] for i in range(self.model_runs): # Prepare model model_output = self.model.train_model( self.dataset, params, self.topk) # Score of the model score = self.metric.score(model_output) different_model_runs.append(score) # Update of the extra metric values for j, extra_metric in enumerate(self.extra_metrics): different_model_runs_extra_metrics[j].append( extra_metric.score(model_output)) # Save the model for each run if self.save_models: name = str(self.current_call) + "_" + str(i) save_model_path = self.model_path_models + name save_model_output(model_output, save_model_path) # Update of the dictionaries self.dict_model_runs[self.name_optimized_metric][ 'iteration_' + str(self.current_call)] = different_model_runs for j, extra_metric in enumerate(self.extra_metrics): self.dict_model_runs[self.extra_metric_names[j]][ 'iteration_' + str(self.current_call)] = ( different_model_runs_extra_metrics[j]) # The output for BO is the median over different_model_runs result = np.median(different_model_runs) if self.optimization_type == 'Maximize': result = - result # Boxplot for matrix_model_runs if self.plot_model: name_plot = ''.join([ self.save_path, self.plot_name, "_model_runs_", self.name_optimized_metric]) plot_model_runs( self.dict_model_runs[ self.name_optimized_metric], self.current_call, name_plot) # Boxplot of extrametrics (if any) for j in range(len(self.extra_metrics)): name_plot = ''.join([ self.save_path, self.plot_name, "_model_runs_" + self.extra_metric_names[j]]) plot_model_runs(self.dict_model_runs[ self.extra_metric_names[j]], self.current_call, name_plot) return result def _optimization_loop(self, opt): """ Perform the optimization through Bayesian Optimization :return: result of the optimization :rtype: class """ results = None # For loop to perform Bayesian Optimization for i in range(self.number_of_previous_calls, self.number_of_call): # Next point proposed by BO and evaluation of the objective # function print("Current call: ", self.current_call) start_time = time.time() # Next point proposed by BO and evaluation of the objective # function if i < self.lenx0: next_x = [self.x0[name][i] for name in self.hyperparameters] # next_x = self.x0[i] if len(self.y0) == 0: f_val = self._objective_function(next_x) else: self.dict_model_runs[self.name_optimized_metric][ 'iteration_' + str(i)] = self.y0[i] f_val = -self.y0[i] if ( self.optimization_type == 'Maximize') else self.y0[i] else: next_x = opt.ask() f_val = self._objective_function(next_x) # Update the opt using (next_x,f_val) res = opt.tell(next_x, f_val) # Update the computational time for next_x (BO+Function evaluation) end_time = time.time() total_time_function = end_time - start_time self.time_eval.append(total_time_function) # Plot best seen if self.plot_best_seen: plot_bayesian_optimization( res.func_vals, self.save_path + self.plot_name + "_best_seen", self.log_scale_plot, conv_max=self.optimization_type == 'Maximize') # Create an object related to the BO optimization results = OptimizerEvaluation(self, BO_results=res) # Save the object if i % self.save_step == 0: name_json = self.save_path + self.save_name + ".json" # Early stop condition if i >= len(self.x0) and self.early_stop and early_condition( res.func_vals, self.early_step, self.n_random_starts): print("Stop because of early stopping condition") break # Update current_call self.current_call = self.current_call + 1 return results def _load_metric(self, optimization_object, dataset): """ Load the metric from the json file, useful for the resume method :param optimization_object: dictionary of the information saved during the optimization :type optimization_object: dict :param dataset: the considered dataset :type dataset: OCTIS dataset object """ # Optimized Metric self.name_optimized_metric = optimization_object['metric_name'] metric_parameters = optimization_object['metric_attributes'] if self.name_optimized_metric.startswith('Coherence'): metric_parameters.update({'texts': dataset.get_corpus()}) if self.name_optimized_metric.startswith('F1Score'): metric_parameters.update({'dataset': dataset}) self.metric = select_metric( metric_parameters, self.name_optimized_metric) # Extra metrics self.extra_metrics = [] self.extra_metric_names = optimization_object['extra_metric_names'] dict_extra_metric_parameters = optimization_object[ 'extra_metric_attributes'] for name in self.extra_metric_names: metric_parameters = dict_extra_metric_parameters[name] if 'Coherence' in name: metric_parameters.update({'texts': dataset.get_corpus()}) if 'F1Score' in name: metric_parameters.update({'dataset': dataset}) metric = select_metric(metric_parameters, name[2:]) self.extra_metrics.append(metric) def _restore_parameters(self, name_path): """ Restore the BO parameters from the json file :param name_path: name of the json file :type name_path: str :return: result of BO optimization (scikit-optimize object), surrogate model (scikit-learn object) :rtype: tuple """ # Load the previous results with open(name_path, 'rb') as file: optimization_object = json.load(file) self.search_space = load_search_space( optimization_object["search_space"]) self.acq_func = optimization_object["acq_func"] self.surrogate_model = optimization_object["surrogate_model"] self.kernel = eval(optimization_object["kernel"]) self.optimization_type = optimization_object["optimization_type"] self.model_runs = optimization_object["model_runs"] self.save_models = optimization_object["save_models"] self.save_step = optimization_object["save_step"] self.save_name = optimization_object["save_name"] self.save_models = optimization_object["save_models"] self.save_path = optimization_object["save_path"] self.early_stop = optimization_object["early_stop"] self.early_step = optimization_object["early_step"] self.plot_model = optimization_object["plot_model"] self.plot_best_seen = optimization_object["plot_best_seen"] self.plot_name = optimization_object["plot_name"] self.log_scale_plot = optimization_object["log_scale_plot"] self.random_state = optimization_object["random_state"] self.dict_model_runs = optimization_object['dict_model_runs'] self.number_of_previous_calls = optimization_object['current_call'] + 1 self.current_call = optimization_object['current_call'] + 1 self.number_of_call = optimization_object['number_of_call'] self.save_path = optimization_object['save_path'] self.x0 = optimization_object['x0'] self.y0 = optimization_object['y0'] self.n_random_starts = optimization_object['n_random_starts'] self.initial_point_generator = optimization_object[ 'initial_point_generator'] self.topk = optimization_object['topk'] self.time_eval = optimization_object["time_eval"] res = None # Load the dataset dataset = Dataset() if not optimization_object["is_cached"]: dataset.load_custom_dataset_from_folder( optimization_object["dataset_path"]) else: dp = optimization_object["dataset_path"][:-(len( optimization_object["dataset_name"]) + len("_py3.pkz"))] dataset.fetch_dataset( optimization_object["dataset_name"], data_home=dp) self.dataset = dataset # Load the metric self._load_metric(optimization_object, dataset) # Load the model self.model = load_model(optimization_object) # Creation of the hyperparameters self.hyperparameters = list(sorted(self.search_space.keys())) # Choice of the optimizer opt = choose_optimizer(self) # Update number_of_call for restarting for i in range(self.number_of_previous_calls): next_x = [optimization_object["x_iters"][key][i] for key in self.hyperparameters] if self.optimization_type == 'Maximize': f_val = -optimization_object["f_val"][i] else: f_val = optimization_object["f_val"][i] res = opt.tell(next_x, f_val) # Create the directory where the results are saved Path(self.save_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.model_path_models = self.save_path + "models/" return res, opt def _check_bo_parameters(self): """ Check the correctness of BO parameters :return: -1 if there is an error, 0 otherwise :rtype: bool """ if self.optimization_type not in ['Maximize', 'Minimize']: print("Error: optimization type must be Maximize or Minimize") return -1 if self.surrogate_model not in ['RF', 'RS', 'GP', 'ET']: print("Error: surrogate model must be RF, ET, RS or GP") return -1 if self.acq_func not in ['PI', 'EI', 'LCB']: print("Error: acquisition function must be PI, EI or LCB") return -1 if self.number_of_call <= 0: print("Error: number_of_call can't be <= 0") return -1 if self.number_of_call - len(self.x0) <= 0: print("Error: number_of_call is less then len(x0)") return None if not isinstance(self.model_runs, int): print("Error: model_run must be an integer") return -1 if not isinstance(self.number_of_call, int): print("Error: number_of_call must be an integer") return -1 if not isinstance(self.n_random_starts, int): print("Error: n_random_starts must be an integer") return -1 if not isinstance(self.save_step, int): print("Error: save_step must be an integer") return -1 if not isinstance(self.save_step, int): print("Error: save_step must be an integer") return -1 if self.n_random_starts <= 0: print("Error: the number of initial_points must be >=1 !!!") return -1 if self.initial_point_generator not in [ 'lhs', 'sobol', 'halton', 'hammersly', 'grid', 'random']: print("Error: wrong initial_point_generator") return -1 if not isinstance(self.x0, dict): print("Error: x0 must be a dictionary!") return -1 if not isinstance(self.y0, list): print("Error: y0 must be a dictionary!") return -1 if len(self.x0) > 0: self.lenx0 = len(list(self.x0.values())[0]) for i in range(len(self.x0.values())): lenC = len(list(self.x0.values())[i]) if lenC != self.lenx0: print("Error: dimension of x0 is not consistent!") return -1 if len(self.y0) > 0: if self.lenx0 != len(self.y0): print("Error: different dimension for x0 and y0!") return -1 else: self.lenx0 = 0 self.leny0 = 0 if self.plot_name.endswith(".png"): self.plot_name = self.plot_name[:-4] if self.save_name.endswith(".json"): self.save_name = self.save_name[:-5] if self.save_path[-1] != '/': self.save_path = self.save_path + '/' return 0