Source code for octis.evaluation_metrics.coherence_metrics

from octis.evaluation_metrics.metrics import AbstractMetric
from octis.dataset.dataset import Dataset
from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary
from gensim.models import CoherenceModel
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
import gensim.downloader as api
import octis.configuration.citations as citations
import numpy as np
import itertools
from scipy import spatial
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
from operator import add

[docs]class Coherence(AbstractMetric): def __init__(self, texts=None, topk=10, processes=1, measure='c_npmi'): """ Initialize metric Parameters ---------- texts : list of documents (list of lists of strings) topk : how many most likely words to consider in the evaluation measure : (default 'c_npmi') measure to use. processes: number of processes other measures: 'u_mass', 'c_v', 'c_uci', 'c_npmi' """ super().__init__() if texts is None: self._texts = _load_default_texts() else: self._texts = texts self._dictionary = Dictionary(self._texts) self.topk = topk self.processes = processes self.measure = measure def info(self): return { "citation": citations.em_coherence, "name": "Coherence" }
[docs] def score(self, model_output): """ Retrieve the score of the metric Parameters ---------- model_output : dictionary, output of the model key 'topics' required. Returns ------- score : coherence score """ topics = model_output["topics"] if topics is None: return -1 if self.topk > len(topics[0]): raise Exception('Words in topics are less than topk') else: npmi = CoherenceModel( topics=topics, texts=self._texts, dictionary=self._dictionary, coherence=self.measure, processes=self.processes, topn=self.topk) return npmi.get_coherence()
[docs]class WECoherencePairwise(AbstractMetric): def __init__(self, word2vec_path=None, binary=False, topk=10): """ Initialize metric Parameters ---------- dictionary with keys topk : how many most likely words to consider word2vec_path : if word2vec_file is specified retrieves word embeddings file (in word2vec format) to compute similarities, otherwise 'word2vec-google-news-300' is downloaded binary : True if the word2vec file is binary, False otherwise (default False) """ super().__init__() self.binary = binary self.topk = topk self.word2vec_path = word2vec_path if word2vec_path is None: self._wv = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300') else: self._wv = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format( word2vec_path, binary=self.binary) def info(self): return { "citation": citations.em_coherence_we, "name": "Coherence word embeddings pairwise cosine" }
[docs] def score(self, model_output): """ Retrieve the score of the metric Parameters ---------- model_output : dictionary, output of the model key 'topics' required. Returns ------- score : topic coherence computed on the word embeddings similarities """ topics = model_output["topics"] result = 0.0 for topic in topics: E = [] # Create matrix E (normalize word embeddings of # words represented as vectors in wv) for word in topic[0:self.topk]: if word in self._wv.key_to_index.keys(): word_embedding = self._wv.__getitem__(word) normalized_we = word_embedding / word_embedding.sum() E.append(normalized_we) if len(E) > 0: E = np.array(E) # Perform cosine similarity between E rows distances = np.sum(1 - pairwise_distances(E, metric='cosine') - np.diag(np.ones(len(E)))) topic_coherence = distances/(self.topk*(self.topk-1)) else: topic_coherence = -1 # Update result with the computed coherence of the topic result += topic_coherence result = result/len(topics) return result
[docs]class WECoherenceCentroid(AbstractMetric): def __init__(self, topk=10, word2vec_path=None, binary=True): """ Initialize metric Parameters ---------- topk : how many most likely words to consider w2v_model_path : a word2vector model path, if not provided, google news 300 will be used instead """ super().__init__() self.topk = topk self.binary = binary self.word2vec_path = word2vec_path if self.word2vec_path is None: self._wv = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300') else: self._wv = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format( self.word2vec_path, binary=self.binary) @staticmethod def info(): return { "citation": citations.em_word_embeddings_pc, "name": "Coherence word embeddings centroid" }
[docs] def score(self, model_output): """ Retrieve the score of the metric :param model_output: dictionary, output of the model. key 'topics' required. :return topic coherence computed on the word embeddings """ topics = model_output["topics"] if self.topk > len(topics[0]): raise Exception('Words in topics are less than topk') else: result = 0 for topic in topics: E = [] # average vector of the words in topic (centroid) t = np.zeros(self._wv.vector_size) # Create matrix E (normalize word embeddings of # words represented as vectors in wv) and # average vector of the words in topic for word in topic[0:self.topk]: if word in self._wv.key_to_index.keys(): word_embedding = self._wv.__getitem__(word) normalized_we = word_embedding/sum(word_embedding) E.append(normalized_we) t = list(map(add, t, word_embedding)) t = np.array(t) if sum(t) != 0: t = t/(len(t)*sum(t)) if len(E) > 0: topic_coherence = 0 # Perform cosine similarity between each word embedding in E # and t. for word_embedding in E: distance = spatial.distance.cosine(word_embedding, t) topic_coherence += distance topic_coherence = topic_coherence/self.topk else: topic_coherence = -1 # Update result with the computed coherence of the topic result += topic_coherence result /= len(topics) return result
def _load_default_texts(): """ Loads default general texts Returns ------- result : default 20newsgroup texts """ dataset = Dataset() dataset.fetch_dataset("20NewsGroup") return dataset.get_corpus()